A New Dawn

Ah, the great fresh air of new. Bsok mlm aku akn berangkat ke melaka. With new inspiration, new aspiration, but old clothes n few cash. I made a vow to myself: to bounce back from this o'great fall and achieve more. sebelum ni, aku push diri aku at the wrong point. and now, this early moments, aku nak start from scratch and try to maintain. i can do it. i must do it. i will do it. in fact, i'm doing it a little at a time. with a new hair do. no.4 all over. mawi-like hairdo, tp nmpak klaka.heck, who cares!as long as i save time instead of sikat2 rambut.hahaha. haven't pack all of my things yet. less things to be brought back, so kira ok la...smlm smpat tgk Transformers. A must see:kena tgk kat wayang baru puas ati.kalo tak, tak feel. definitely must be added into your wayanglist, you moviefreaks out there! arh, tengkuk rase gatal, rambut2 mencucuk. mau go home n mandi 1st.lalala.

1 komentar:

sHa said...

kasik tunjok la sket rambot yg berwajah baru tuh.
nak jugak tgk neh. :p